viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Long time no blog

We went out for a drink on Wednesday night with a friend of Novio's and his gilfriend. We went to Maracay's only "pub-style" drinking establishment. Novio's friend knows the owner who was very attentive all night. The friend was telling me how last year he was driving back from his girlfriend's house at about 1am when someone through rocks onto his windscreen (three rocks about the size of a large grapefruit). As this is quite a well known trick in Venezuela to get people to stop so they can rob/kidnap you, he kept driving, with his windscreen smashed to pieces. He drove to the nearest police station but it was all shut up and in darkness. He beeped his horn frantically, because he wasn't sure if the stone-throwers were behind him but there was definitely no policemen there, so he kept driving to the next police station. When he got there he told the two policemen what had happened and exactly where. "Oh yes", they said, "that´s the stone-throwers". One looked at the other, "shall we go and have a look?" They decided that they would and the friend waited at the station for them to come back. When they arrived they said "oh no. There was no-one there." And that was that. Case closed.

Yesterday some friends came over to watch a film. While we were watching it one of their phones rang. Their cousin, who lives just a couple of blocks away from us had had his car robbed at gunpoint outside his flats. We all agreed this was very annoying and carried on watching the film.

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